This is a good news for whom CDCE friends and colleagues, the application for the 13th Batch of the Community Development and Civic Empowerment (CDCE) Program at Chiang Mai University to be held September 19 – December 15, 2013 in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

CDCE is a three month certificate course in development management and community development theory. For over 6 years, CDCE has been building the capacity of local agents for grassroots social transformation in Myanmar. We accept participants from NGOs, media groups, religious organizations, non-formal education institutes and civic empowerment organizations who focus on strengthening community participation in development and governance.
Qualified applicants will:
1.) Have completed a BA degree (or have extensive work experience in the field of community development.)
2.) Have at least two years of work within civil society - including experience with INGOs, NGOs, CBOs, civic groups, media, research institutes, self help and volunteer groups.
3.) Be able to read, write, listen to and speak English
UPDATED PROGRAM: For the 13th batch recruitment phase, CDCE would like to announce that we will offer a 3-day complimentary course in Yangon to all applicants who are chosen to sit for an interview. The course will be held from August 13 – 15 (the three days following the interviews). It will be led by senior lecturers from CDCE and is open only to interview participants. Course time and location will be announced with the interview announcement.
If you or someone you know would like to apply to the CDCE program, please first read the attached CDCE Program Summary and then fill out the application carefully.
Return your completed application, recommendations, and other supplementary materials before July 7, 2013.
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